Lydia's friend Kate came over for SIX hours on Saturday. I really thought that we would have some major toddler (or Mommy) meltdowns, but it went great. Of course they wore coordinating outfits. What? You don't make sure that all the kids in your play dates match? Must be just the cool kids. (Or those of us who shop the 75% off rack at Target. Going on now FYI)

We made homemade pizza and cookies, had a grated cheese fight, dumped out every toy to Lydia's name...the usual. Then the girls pleaded to take a bath. Fine by me. I am really lucky that my master closet is two steps from the master tub and is in full view. When Lydia takes her baths, I usually get my clothes ready for the next day. I was in the process of doing this, listening to the girls laugh, when I turn around to see Kate dumping the last of Lydia's brand new bottle of shampoo into the bath. The jets were on and there was a 4 foot wall of bubbles billowing onto the floor. They thought this was hilarious. I cleaned it up with a towel and called it good. Can I count that as scrubbing the bathroom floor?

Kate also showed Lydia that she could fit into the bottom drawer of her dresser. Lydia thought this was fantastic, though I told her that she is a lot taller than Kate, so she couldn't fit in the drawer herself. The next morning was Sunday. Shane was out of town for the weekend so I was trying to get myself ready without him around. (Shane is in charge of getting Lydia ready on Sunday mornings. He is a wizard at doing Lydia's hair.) Anyway, I asked her to go play in her room. 10 minutes later I hear "Mommy! Come look at me!" She had taken every item out of her dresser and was laying in the bottom drawer. "Look! I can fit now!" Got to give her credit for ingenuity. We played hide and seek in the mound of clothes for a while. Better than dealing with the mess.
Oh. And I haven't even mentioned the fact that while I was putting my makeup on, she "cleaned" my standing mirror with hydrocortisone cream. Awesome.
lol, love the bubbly pics
Yes, we do have the two cutest daughters ever don't we? Though I may be biased.
That makes me tired just thinking about it. Of course, I am always tired.
75% off! Right now! Sweet! I love Target.
♥ They're so cute! WOW on the bubbles and it definatley counts for scrubbing the floor! You're so calm I would have freaked out about the bubbles, clothes and cortizone. :)
What a perfect play date!
The bubbles thing is too funny! You sound like a very calm Mommy!
This is Wendy's cousin, Lexi. She had a link to this post from her blog. How hilarious! :) What silly little girls!
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