Just got my Blogging by Mail package today. YUM!!! Thanks Erin!
Shane and Lydia are perfecting the art of shaped pancakes every Saturday morning.
(Right before Shane runs. That would explain the wristband.)

Shane and Lydia are also watching a lot of The Charlie Brown Halloween Special.
(I replaced all the photos in my living room with orange and black paper. Festive no?)

And a few of Lydia quotes that I wrote down lately.....enjoy.
As I am changing Lydia diaper, explaining again how great it is for big girls to use the potty, Lydia explains "My poopie is delicious and nutritious!"
Last night I hear Lydia calling me to change her diaper. Afterwards she looks at me with emphasised admiration and says, "Oh Mommy. I am so proud of you for changing my bum."
"Mommy! When I grow up I want to be a truck!
Right after vacuuming, Lydia came up to me and said "Oh Mommy! You made the floor look magnificent!" (We've been working on the difference between Magnificent and Maleficent.)
The other day Lydia and I were in our swimsuits, about to get in the pool when I hear her gasp. "Mommy! What is that called?" - she is pointing to the extra "skin" being pushed out from my underarm as I reach into my beach bag. She is obviously amazed there is a body part she is unaware of. I was trying to figure out what to call this sad little bit of chub when she exclaims "Tiny boobies!".......... Later in the pool she notices that I have a freckle on one of my "tiny boobies" and yells at the top of her lungs "Mommy! I see your tiny nipple!" Nice.
Those Quotes are priceless.
From the mouths of babes........
That is hysterical! Kids crack me up. Lately, my "just turned 3" year old has been trying to figure out why I'm missing some anatomy that he has. LOL Then there's always the public restrooms when he asks if I'm going pee-pee or poo-poo... LOL
wow, is that how I should be doing animal pancakes
Thanks Nat. I needed that little update. I love how Shane looks as enthralled with Charlie Brown as Lydia. As for updating my blog, I just updated it 2 days ago! And the day before I blogged as well, and two days before that (or something pretty close to that time line.) And it may not be about Dave and me, but it IS about MY family. Just my thoughts on members of my family. Still, I'm glad you're a peacemaker. And I'm glad Lydia's poop is delicious and nutritious.
You have such a darling family! I love the photos of your hubby with your babe! I'm so glad you are having a fun time with her - fall festivals are such a thrill for all family members, aren't they?
oh I LOVE the poop comment - my kids say the craziest things :)
That is hilarious, and your halloween things are so festive. And I've said it already but your daughter is gorgeous.
LOVE your wall decor! Those frames and shelves are awesome!
THANK YOU to the "mystery family member" because I wasn't going to say anything. I know the giveaways work for you, BUT....these aunties need family updates and pictures. This one was the best. I just read the quotes to the in-laws and we all cracked up. We already miss Shane, so give him a big hug for us when he gets home tonight. Thanks again for the fun updates :) We love you guys!!!
At least I HAVE a blog that includes updates. :)
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