So my little jewelry business is doing well. It has been picked up by a second boutique and I am doing some custom work too. It started as a little something creative to do in my "spare" time, but it has developed into a necessary diversion. A little detox time if you will. I wish I could say that I spend my jewelry time dwelling on the greater things; my carbon footprint, my 10 year plan...what have you. In reality, I mostly watch ABC.com. (Is it just me or are the HOTTEST men alive currently playing in "Lost". (Except Shane of course) Did anyone see Desmond with his shirt off in the latest episode? I nearly choked on my popcorn.
I haven't really put much on my Etsy account lately, but I will try and get a one or two new things on each week. I just added a couple non jewelry items. I needed a palate cleanser. If anyone is looking for something particular, just let me know.
I'm loving the new necklace. . .might need to get that one. Of course I like the magnets too!!!!!!
Natalie, your jewelry looks so awesome. I would totally buy it. And the display makes it perfect.
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