Shane is playing with his iPad in bed next to me,
so I'm taking selfie photos to text to him to remind him I'm here.
Anyone else competing with technology for your hubby's attention?
I deserve it. I may occasionally leave Shane a blog widower.
via instagram @natssentiments

Oh don't get me started with HALO!!!! It's like I don't exist!
Oh, I've been a halo widow many of times myself.
And no. It didn't work :)
Ooooh, can I join the club? I'm a HALO widow every single night. It's gotten to the point where I prefer to sleep alone because it's what I have gotten use to. I also don't like being woken up at 2 a.m. every morning when he decides to go to bed (I can never get back to sleep afterwards.) So, I told him if he's going to play Halo with his buddies at night he can sleep on the couch. Thought this might change his mind, it hasn't. Heartbreaking.
Ooooh, can I join the club? I'm a HALO widow every single night. It's gotten to the point where I prefer to sleep alone because it's what I have gotten use to. I also don't like being woken up at 2 a.m. every morning when he decides to go to bed (I can never get back to sleep afterwards.) So, I told him if he's going to play Halo with his buddies at night he can sleep on the couch. Thought this might change his mind, it hasn't. Heartbreaking.
Ooooh, can I join the club? I'm a HALO widow every single night. It's gotten to the point where I prefer to sleep alone because it's what I have gotten use to. I also don't like being woken up at 2 a.m. every morning when he decides to go to bed (I can never get back to sleep afterwards.) So, I told him if he's going to play Halo with his buddies at night he can sleep on the couch. Thought this might change his mind, it hasn't. Heartbreaking.
sorry about all the posts. I don't know why it did that. I can't seem to erase them. :(
Ms. B. - That's not great. After Shane buys a new Halo, he plays it straight for two weeks until he "beats" the hard level. (Only after the kids are in bed.) After that, it's only one or two nights a month. He preps me for these couple weeks of widowhood and I always have a big project to work on.
Playing Halo until 2 in the morning can't be good for anyone in the house. Though my husband says that to be really really good at playing "campaign" you kind of have to play that often. Which is totally messed up.
I have seen several people close to me who are addicted to video games and it is a real addiction. Though the players never seem to be able to acknowledge it.
I'm often a BMW widow but I call it his mistress. He has a vintage BMW that he works on in the garage until the wee hours of the morning whenever he can. I often lay next to him & the ipad while he searches BMW forums to figure out how to fix his car. Whenever, I make fun he says one word that puts me back in my place...pinterest.
Here's a thought from a reader Ms. B -
Stacy says - My husband used to be that way with online games. We worked out a happy medium, complete with a schedule of sorts, and the understanding that when an expansion comes out, he gets to pretty much disappear for a couple of weeks. It works pretty well.
Thanks, ladies! Natalie you are too sweet to try and find some solutions for me. I appreciate everyone's suggestions. Besides the video games, we have a great marriage. It's certainly his passion in life. I don't want him not to do it, but like Stacy said, set aside time just for our individual hobbies. We have set up a schedule before and it worked very well, but it has since gone by the wayside. We have been talking about starting it again, but it just never happens. Natalie... your husband is right about the whole "campaign" thing. I just wish it wasn't the case. He also have a bunch of single buddies that he plays with online that can play with little to no consequences. I guess we'll just have to see how it "plays" out as it were. ;) I'm just wondering though... when do mommy's get to disappear for a couple weeks to enjoy their "video games?" Ha!
We go to Target to shop.
Hehe.... ;)
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