Monday, November 14, 2011

Couch to 5K - first three weeks

Well, I've completed weeks 1-3 in the Couch to 5K program. I'm so excited that some of you are doing it with me! When I'm running, sometimes I imagine we're all running together and talking about our hopes and dreams. I mean, no I don't. That would be weird.

Week one was pretty good. It is a very gradual program and the first week is pretty easy. My regular Zumba classes have helped with my endurance. It wasn't fun though. Running feels jolting and I was gasping by the end of each minute long jog. I did it though.

Week two was really hard. On the first run of the week, I was only 1 minute into my warmup walk and I developed the most intense side cramp I've ever felt. When I actually started to run, it was excruciating. It felt like a vic was crushing my rib cage. It lasted the entire run. The next run it happened again. I thought maybe it was the cold weather, but I developed the same cramp when rushing in the grocery store. Oo, not great. Shane said he thought it was just my body getting used to running. It happened again on my last run of the week, but not quite as intense.

When I started week three I was nervous. I had to run for 3 minute blocks and that seemed a big jump. I was happy to discover that I was able to do it and the pain was gone. In fact, to my surprise, I actually found myself wanting to get to the running part. I mean, don't get me wrong, by the end of the three minutes I was panting, but it's something.

This last week I decided to repeat week three. That's allowed if you feel like it. Mostly I'm just a little nervous for week four. There's a couple segments of 5 minutes of straight running. I don't think I've done that since I was 17. Oh wait, maybe not even then. I was supposed to run the mile in high school, but I got out of it by claiming "jet lag". And I'd been back from my international trip for well over a week. I honestly don't think my P.E. teacher knew what jet lag was....

Anyway. I'm running! Who would have thought? It kind of sucks, but I'm getting stronger and that's exciting.

Any words of wisdom to keep me going?

photo via pinterest


Lauren said...

I used to get side cramps really badly, too. What helps is alternating your breathing; ie. in nose, out mouth followed by in mouth, out nose.
Haha it can get a little messy, but it helps.

Paige said...

I find that I get those cramps more if I am dehydrated.

Jenny said...

Way to go! That is the first thing I have to say. The 2nd thing? Stick with it, it works. I am on week 7, and have a 5K that I am running on Thanksgiving (so yeah, I am barely going to finish the training and will have to run almost every day before then), but I am now jogging/running 25 minutes at a time. Never thought I would do that. Ever. If I can do it? Believe me, you can definitely finish it!! :-)

Gilbert Family said...

I think the program you are doing is great. I have a friend that is on our Ragnar 2012 team (not a runner) and he started the program a few months ago and now he is running 10Ks and doing them in 50 minutes. Just keep going and you will be successful. Consistency is the best thing for running!!

Rach said...

I've heard so many good things about "Couch to 5k" Good luck !!!
P.S Girl thanks for making me laugh Love the pictures.

The Thomas Family said...

ok so it's all about the music on your ipod...if it's inspirational enough you can envision yourself as that girl you pictured all the way till your run is over ;) I'm sure I'm weird but some of the most inspirational running music is worship music. I find myself so in tune with our Creator the whole time I'm running. Thanking Him that I am able to run!

amydear said...

Good job making it through the first two weeks! It will get easier over time, although the first mile or two can be rough every time you go on a run. It gets really easy about 4 miles in. : )

Nama said...

Way to go, Natalie! And yes, even after 2 years of running regularly, I still get really bad side stitches sometimes. Personally, I feel mine are linked to dehydration, which happens pretty quickly running in the humid climate of Houston! I've read that if you start getting a side stitch (usually on your right side), start moderating your breaths so that you breath out when your left food hits the ground. I find that sometimes, that helps, even if it's in my head. But most importantly, stay hydrated and make sure you're breathing properly! That'll bring on the side stitches, too.

And keep on keepin' on! It'll all be worth it; I promise.

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