
Monday, May 21, 2012

Photo Staircase

We are having so much fun getting this house done! We've been here 5 months now and it is really starting to come together. I have about 20 projects in the works and I'm very excited to show them to you.  I'm making a goal to have something new to post about the house most Mondays. Hopefully that will keep my momentum up. You saw my bedroom so far. Lydia's room just needs one more picture framed and it will be ready. The guest room is 90% done (and it is SOOOO darling!)
 I finally bought Collin's "big boy bed" bedding, so I am starting on that room next. 
Once I have the bedding for a room,  I work from that theme.
 And I have one of the coolest tutorials ever that I'm hoping I will have done by next week. 

This week is our staircase. 
I didn't know if I liked the idea of a gallery wall on the staircase. It seemed a little cliche. 
But Shane wanted to try it out, so I got the photos framed and he hung them. 

He laid them out the way he wanted on the floor, took a photo of it, them measured things out and made nail marks on the walls. That seems a little too, um, "mathy" for me.  
Personally, I like the way it was done on Design Crush

I love the way it turned out! 
Keeping it a black and white lets me easily change the living room decor.
And it matches the fireplace mantel. Which I just finished. But you will have to check back in the next couple weeks to see it :)

See that patch of light coming in from the ceiling window? That directly faces into the upstairs bathroom interior window across the staircase, giving it natural light! So cool.

I wanted a combo of lots of different shaped frames. Most of them are from Target and Hobby Lobby.

I may replace one frame with a neon yellow one, just to add a little treadiness for the season. Shane says no. And I laughed that he thought he had an opinion. Silly boy.

Here's the full look.
I noticed I changed up three photos just in the couple days between these shots.
 I'm a little OCD that way.

I've already ordered a different photo to go in that hall frame. 

Oops. A little impostor.
There's a reason I don't do blogging stuff in the daytime. I usually get interrupted
 within about, oh say, 4 minutes.

"Mommy, can you read me this?"

That's okay. It's these kind of moments that make the photo wall possible. 
Who wouldn't want to read to this sweetheart! He turns three this week!!!!

(We love Where the Wild Things Are. RIP Maurice Sendak)

Check back next week for more home project reveals. 


The randomly selected winner of the Shabby Apple $75 gift certificate is Sunflower Reflects
Congrats!!! Email me and I will get you your awesome prize!


  1. I love that he wants to read Where the Wild Things Are :). My baby's godmother has clued us into the fact that in honor of the author's passing, that will be her gift (once they're back in stock)!

  2. It looks wonderful! The black and white is a great idea to keep it neutral and then everything matches. I'm still trying to decide what to do for our photo wall in the hallway so this helps!

  3. Your house is SO beautiful! I LOVE the staircase and the black and white theme! Plus theres a little room there on the left 'in case' your family happens to grow by one ;)
    And Where the Wild Things Are was my favorite book growing up, I swear I still have my old one that I read over and over again on a bookshelf for my future kids to have. Save your version for down the road, because nothing beats a book with history!
    I laughed out loud at the "Shane said no. I laughed that he thought he had a say" haha! That's pretty much how the decorating goes down in my house too! :]

  4. Love the gallery wall! It really is a statement. I think a neon yellow frame would be an excellent choice! Can't wait to see the rest of your rooms!

  5. The photo staircase is a real beauty!

  6. This looks amazing!! Really beautiful!! Thanks for sharing and I am a new follower!
    Hope you have a great week!

  7. Looks really great! I like the black and white pictures. Liz

  8. This looks great. And I love that all the pictures are black and white. It looks super classy. Thanks for linking to our Handmade Tuesdays party.

  9. Looks great! I love the photo wall I made last year, but would like to add something like this to our staircase. I'm afraid my boys would pull them down though.

  10. What a sweet post! I love the gallery wall but the sweetest part was all about your little cutie. How wonderful that he loves to read so much!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  11. Loved this gallery wall so much, I'm featuring you on Handmade Tuesdays today!

  12. This is so great! I love how you took advantage of the height! There are so many frames... that must have been a lot of work!


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