
Monday, April 23, 2012

Simple Shower

When I got back from my trip to Spokane last month, I realized that my friend Robyn was about to have a baby, but she hadn't had a shower yet. She moved into the neighborhood a little before me, so we are both getting to know people. 

I thought it would be nice to throw her a shower, but I would only have about a week to plan it. How could I possibly plan a shower in that amount of time? There were invites to handcraft, a theme to choose, favors to make. Then I remembered that before this world of blogging and pinterest, events weren't always so involved. Maybe I could just have a simple shower and it would still turn out nice.

Invites were emailed.
No theme.
No favors.

It was still great.

Instead of pastels I went with more vibrant colors.

Aren't these tulips beautiful? Our good friends the Maynors sent them to us for Easter. 
We miss our Southern friends :( 

As you can see, I use this bunting all the time.
 I need to get a boy version for Collin's birthday I think.
I found a three pack of gerber daisies at Costco for $10. 

Then I found these colorful planters at the dollar store. 
(That place is awesome! I'm just discovering it.)

Grabbed a few bouquets and had them set up throughout the house.
My friend Crystal made 4 dozen cupcakes. (Thank you Crystal!)
A lesson I learned from an expert party planner, a big bowl of chocolates is mandatory at any soiree. 
Serving them in a strange baby chick bowl is not. 

I love these little baguette slices filled with "veggie bouquets" and dip.
I did the same thing for my sister's fall themed shower.
We also had spinach artichoke dip and a meatball appetizer. 
Shirley temples to drink.

Some of the ladies enjoying refreshments.
Like our new entertainment center? 

That's my gift in the white box and fuchsia bow. Wish I had taken a photo of what's inside. 

Ah, there's the guest of honor. 

We had a lot of people show up. I didn't have near enough chairs. 
That's not really such a bad thing.

"Guess the number of safety pins in the jar".

Me, Robyn and Crystal.

I'm glad I decided to have candles lit around the house. The shower invites said from 7-9, but the last guests didn't leave until almost 11. 
As long as you have good food and good company, your party is going to be lovely.

Congrats Robyn on your beautiful baby girl, Samantha Jane.


Speaking of babies - The Rexburg names are out!!!!!

Please, if you are planning on having a baby soon, head over to Jessica's post on the Rexburg names of 2012.  Read them. And then, DON'T DO THAT TO YOUR CHILD.

I've already posted about my thoughts about stripper names and such, but it merits repeating. No one should be namedIzibele, KeiseLyn, Brayah or Reggie Tayzlie. Seriously.


I didn't hear from the winner of the Gourmet Brownie Prize, so I'll just go to the next comment.
Wendy! Congrats! You get a yummy box of brownies. Lucky you!
Hey, I know you Wendy. We've kissed the same guy I believe...


  1. The shower looks perfectly simple! Love how it turned out. :)

    Happy Monday, Natalie!

  2. Flowers make everything feel special.

  3. Looks like you had a lot of fun!


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