
Friday, September 30, 2011

4th Anniversary!

Hey! It's my blog's 4th anniversary this week! I just can't let it pass without doing something now can I? That really isn't my style. If you're a public follower (or a regular reader) leave a comment below and enter to win this little yellow and gray bundle. (Yep, still my favorite color combo.) A bit of yellow candy, along with a pair of yellow earrings, made by yours truly. I'll be throwing in a couple fun surprises too :) And isn't the sticker I used on the bag cute? It's from Peartree Greetings, and I'll send a few different ones to the winner!

I'll choose the winner on October 8th. Thanks for reading. And thanks to you who leave comments. Really. They make my day. (They make every bloggers day. And if they say they don't care about comments, they're lying.)


  1. Happy Anniversary Natalie! The 7th is my birthday so that would be a fun birthday surprise. :) Really, though, I enjoy reading your blog! You are an incredibly talented woman, not to mention one amazing wife and mother!

  2. I love surprises! And those earrings are super cute :) Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Blogiversary!

  3. My blog just had its 4th anniversary in August. And I did nothing. Of course, I don't have the following you do! I always enjoy reading your blog, you have exceptional giveaways, and I do hope to see you in person some day. Winning a little goodie bag would be fun too.

  4. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for keeping it real on the blogosphere. :-)

  5. Your blog is so much fun! I really enjoy reading it.

  6. Happy Blog Anniversary! What an adorable little gift package! :)

  7. Happy Anniversary! I love reading your posts.

  8. Wow, 4 years! Congrats! I wonder how long I've been following you...? I know I don't make it over to comment a whole lot, but I do read & enjoy every post. :)

    {{hugs}} to you, friend!

  9. 4 exciting! I really enjoy reading your blog so thanks for all the fun posts!

  10. Happy Anniversary!!! November is my birthday and the little goodie bag would be a great early bday surprise :)

  11. Happy Blog Anniversary! You have really showed me how much fun a blog can be. Thanks for always sharing with us! P.S. You have spawned my liking of the color yellow! :)

  12. Happy Blogiversary!! 4years huh? Wow, that is awesome!! I love to read your blog :)

  13. Happy 4th! Oh how I love surprises and yellow!

  14. Happy 4 years! Thanks for the giveaway. I always look forward to reading your blog!

  15. here's to lots more blogging! happy blogiversary!

  16. Happy blogaversary! And you're yellow/grey coloring has definitely rubbed off on me. Keep it comin'!

  17. Love reading your blog! Congrats on the anni!

    joellenzafacon at gmail dot com

  18. Happy 4th anniversary! Comments make my day as well, so I know how you feel!

    The earrings are wonderful - you do such a great job!

  19. How fun! You are too. I do read it regularly, I should comment more. Sorry I will try to do better :) Love you still the same!

  20. Happy Anniversary. I love your blog! -Lisa

  21. I have been kind of a quiet reader. I discovered your blog a couple of years ago and have been reading it ever since. I know that I can click on your blog and the photos alone brighten up my day. So thanks for blogging Natalie!

  22. I am a follower! Happy Blogiversary! I try to comment and I totally agree with you! Bloggers love comments whether we know each other or not :)

  23. Your blog is so fun with its yellow theme and cute ideas. I enjoy reading it because there are fun ideas for all ages. thanks for having so many fun giveaways.

  24. Happy Anniversary! I sure hope there is something lemony in that bag. FYI it's my favorite color too! Thanks for making me smile.

  25. Happy Anniversary !! :)

  26. Happy Anniversary. I have always enjoyed reading your blog :)

  27. Happy Anniversary! Loved your post on your Hawaiian vacation!!

  28. Happy anniversary! Think of you as the yellow and gray love spreads everywhere!!

  29. Natalie - you are such a pro. I need to pick your brain on how to be a blogger :) Thank you so much for your comment on my blog - you're so sweet. I had no idea how sweet it could be to hear everyone's comments.

  30. congrats on 4 years! love your blog!

  31. Happy blogiversary! I really should comment more often, but I'm always reading from my phone then forget later :-/

  32. A toast-Here's to four years and many more,
    Natalie's Sentiments is the blog I adore! Woot Woot!

    4years=1,460days=35,040hours=2,102,400minutes=so many Great stories. Thank-You!

  33. Happy Anniversary! Yours was the very first blog that I have ever followed :) I've loved getting to know you through your posts, and our craft exchange earlier this year. Thanks for all the real mom experiences you share and for inspiring me to surround myself with beauty. My sister (named Natalie) and I just started our own blog a few weeks ago. I'd be honored if you came to visit it sometime! Congrats on 4 years!

  34. happy anniversary! i've been following on fb and didn't realize i wasn't on GFC. i am now!

  35. Congrats on the four years! That's awesome. I completely agree with you about comments. They definitely make my day.

  36. I love your blog, regular follower here :)
    Have a great day & feel better Natalie

  37. HaPpY bLoGiVeRsArY Natalie! I really enjoy reading your posts:)


Thank you so much for stopping by! I love reading each and every comment. The fact that you take time out of your day to comment, seriously makes my day!