
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Birthday

Two days before my birthday, Shane came home armed with an eclair and a bouquet of flowers. He said my birthday was starting early and that the next day he was taking work off and I could do anything I wanted. Alone. Without the kids. Hallelujah! I woke up, got dressed and took off. I spent the day roaming little boutiques, lunching on a restaurant patio with free WiFi, and reading. I went home every couple of hours to nurse Collin and would find Shane busy cleaning up and playing with Lydia. How's that for a perfect day?

In the evening I went to the movies with some girlfriends. We saw "The Time Travelers Wife". Don't hate me, but did anyone else think it was better than the book? If you are going to see it, bring tissues. After the movie we went out for "drinks" (meaning lemonade) and appetizers (HUGE nachos) and of course, cake. My diet took a birthday hiatus.

My actual birthday was just as perfect. After a breakfast of peaches and strawberries with cream (my favorite) I spent the morning cruising the local consignment fair (thanks for the early pass Brandy!) and had the most luxurious massage at a downtown spa. (Thanks Mary Lea!) I came home to find Lydia and Shane putting the finishing touches on my cake. After blowing out the candles, opening gifts and eating a small(ish) piece of cake, I leisurely got ready for a date and was ready just as our babysitter arrived (thanks Jenn!)

Shane and I tried a romantic Italian restaurant in downtown Chattanooga. The Ossobuco was to die for and the Tiramisu divine. What is it about low lights and exposed brick walls that makes you want to bare your souls and then make out? :)

I couldn't have planned my birthday better.

As a side note, you know that your friends and family know you well when your gifts seem to follow a theme. For the most part they were either.....

for the kitchen....
(Thank you for the pots and pans mom and dad!)

Or yellow. Of course. :)

Thank you to everyone who made my birthday so utterly fantastic.


The winner of the Blue Buggy Giveaway is AmyDear. Congrats! Email me and I will get you your prize.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, looks like you had an amazing birthday! Shane must be awfully sweet. And just so you know, I'm slightly jealous of all that yellow goodness that I see...=)

    Happy Birthday, Natalie!

  3. I think I'm going to have to forward this post to my husband for MY birthday, right down to the love of yellow! That birthday sounds heavenly...I'm glad you enjoyed.

  4. Wow - what a great day! How will you ever top it for next year? :)

  5. Happy Birthday Natalie! Looks like you had a great day! :) I'm a big advocate of week long birthday celebrations. I need to get Ben to take some notes from Shane! :)

  6. What? C'est moi? Now I feel like it's my birthday! Can I get the massage too?

  7. What a gorgeous/perfect couple you guys are!! I wish my last many birthdays were like yours :)

    I'm so glad you had a wonderful birthday!!


  8. I'm glad you got a kitchen timer. It is so cute. I'm glad you had such a wonderful birthday.

  9. happy birthday, it looks like you had a good one


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