
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hair Jewels

After reading Grace Violet's blog about making hair clips from scrapbooking
brads, it took me all of 3 minutes to get my daughter into the car and off to the store to buy supplies. By the next morning I had finished over a dozen adorable clips of my very own. (If you don't want to go to all the trouble of making them yourself, I noticed that Bowhead is soon to get some similar clips in stock. )

While my daughter was sporting these funky hair accessories, I was thinking about how to implement this basic idea into a new line for Paisley Lane. Then it came to me: my collection of vintage brooches would be the most stunning hair jewelry. I've been saving them until I came up with the perfect use. Now I'm totally smitten. They're perfect for any dressy setting, but I'm loving them for the wedding scene. The "something old" for the bridal ensemble perhapes...

I love the idea of turning an heirloom into something modern and chic. I have one piece set aside for me to wear to the formal Christmas party we go to every year.
I have added a few of these beauties to my esty store and will be adding more in the next few months. If you would like to transform some of your own brooches, it really couldn't be easier. I bought a selection of several types of bobby pins and clips from craft stores and Target. Depending on the weight of the brooch, some may require a more substantial clip.
I attached the brooches to their clips using E6000 Industrial strength craft adhesive. Make sure you are in a well ventilated area while using this glue. I covered the entire pin of the brooch with the glue so that there was no chance of the pin coming loose. This also allows the pin to lie softly against the head and is useful in avoiding hair snags. Let it dry overnight. To display, find a vintage tea cup and saucer, fill with uncooked white rice and arrange like a bouquet. This would be a fantastic gift for a birthday, Mother's day, bridal shower, etc. Email me if you have any questions.


  1. They're GORGEOUS and the most perfect addition to the bridal shower gift I had to give.

  2. Now THESE are beautiful! I think they are my favorite pieces in your entire collection (though I haven't seen a lot of the others, but still.)

  3. Hey, you better not sell that broach you got from my wedding. But they are beautiful.

  4. I didn't make the brooch from your wedding into a pin. I actually wear it. The big one was a extra one that mom gave me.

  5. Wow,
    I think that is so neat that you have that talent and use it as well. I love your ideas!

  6. I was going to say that I have that very same broach from Emily's wedding. Natalie these really are so very beautiful- those big bobby pins are from any store like Target walmart??? I can't seem to find them anywhere-

  7. I have seem them both places. They are Goody brand.

  8. ♥ Those are great!!! I love the broach idea and that must be some great glue. I need to find some of that! :)

  9. those are beautiful! You look like Ms. America. No Joke.

  10. Well, you can't hear that too much. Thanks!

    Of course as I am writing this I am totally trashed from 3 hours at the park. Not too Miss America right now. More like Mommy America.

  11. those are awesome. i could never pull that off. love them. :)

  12. so pretty! I will remember those for the next bridal shower I go to... a perfect gift along with a cute nightie for the bride to be:)

  13. I love this vintage look. I would like to make some for myself with the vintage brooches I have, but where did you find the clips?

  14. Target and walmart for the stick clips. Hobby Lobby for the rest. Have fun!

  15. These are gorgeous. ANd I love that you used vintage brooches. I inherited a few of my grandmother's and they've just been sitting around.


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