
Monday, June 23, 2014

What to read this summer....

Last summer I was so pregnant, the closest thing I got to a vacation was a trip to the water park. I'm making up for it this summer with a very packed schedule. Lots of travel equals lots of reading! I'd love some suggestions of what to read since I kind of read my entire summer list in the last couple months :) Good thing about that, I have some fun reading suggestions for you. 

I don't like to share too much of the plot, since I personally like to be surprised by a book when I read it. Click the link to read more info.

The Glass Kitchen - Linda Francis Lee

Just out this week, The Glass Kitchen is a fun read about a women rediscovering her hidden unique gifts. A tempestuous story of a woman washed up on the shores of Manhattan who discovers that a kitchen—like an island—can be a refuge, if only she has the courage to give in to the pull of love, the power of forgiveness, and accept the complications of what it means to be family. 

If you find solace in cooking and a romantic read, this book is probably for you. (Warning, a little more language and sex than I usually like.) 

Hilarious. seriously hilarious. I'm not sure why I haven't read it until now. Can Mindy and I be best friends? (Really Mindy, call me! ) My favorite part is her chapter called "Don't peak in High School" this chapter should be required reading for every single 14-year-old in the United States. (Really, truly young friends. 2 weeks after graduation, none of it will matter anymore.) 

Wonder - R.J. Palacio

Such a beautiful, enjoyable, important book. The world would be a better place if everyone took the time to read it.

The Paris Wife - Paula McLain

 Hard to read a book that you know will end in heartbreak. Obvious since Hadley was the first of Hemingway's 4 wives. But an amazing story, especially the detail of the "Lost Generation" in the 20's in Paris. I'll never read Hemingway the same way again.

Return to Tradd Street - Karen White

The fourth in the series is as fun as the first three. If you haven't read them, this would be a great summer series to start. Romantic but clean, spooky but not scary. 

Sweet Salt Air - Barbara Delinsky

A good summer chick read. Friendship, betrayal, coming to terms with the choices in life....all the big stuff. Nice setting on a quaint island. Found it predictable. I guessed the love interest and what his "secret" would be before he was actually introduced into the story. A little more sex than I prefer, but nothing crazy. Liked that a blogger was a main character. In all, entertaining read.

Beautiful. Would be a perfect book to read aloud to your kids.

Hissy Fit - Mary Kay Andrews

Andrews is always good for some good crack-lit. I was hesitant to read a book called Hissy Fit, but I was pleasantly surprised. Wanted a fun southern read and this was just the thing. Loved all the details on home interior design. And the bonus recipe for grits and greens looks awesome.

The Fault in Our Stars. - John Green

Well duh. If you haven't read this yet, where have you been???

What have you read lately?

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Insta-Saturday #57 - Just laying low

Sometimes it's just too nice an evening to do anything other than swing naked, don't you think?

Thirty minutes until we have to leave: 
"Mom! Let's go get dressed for the birthday party!". 
"Oh, I think what you're wearing is fine." 
"No way! Everyone is wearing FROZEN costumes".... 
We made due.

My never fail method for creative juices to flow. Dump several huge loads of laundry on the floor. Contemplate folding said laundry for 5 to 10 minutes. Guaranteed you will come up with something more interesting to do. (Vintage fabric + huge embroidery hoop + ribbon = girls only tent.)

Pretty hair with pink tips.

Twenty years from now, I hope the neighbor kids remember that Lydia and Collin's mom would serve homemade strawberry lemonade on hot days. But most likely they will remember me being mean because I have them clean up their own spills and tell them they have to stay outside when the baby is napping.

Shane and Lydia at her activity days Daddy-Daughter picnic.

The bigger the bear, the sweeter the dreams.

Elise crashed the kids swimming lessons. 

Collin found a bunch of wildflowers on his camping trip and told Shane he wanted to pick some so he could make a craft for Lydia. 
"Ok, but what kind of a craft do you make with flowers?" 
"You'll see daddy".

Grandma came to visit!

She brought along Papa too!

Thanks for all your advice on my facebook post about how to de-stress. Lots of good ideas. It was a rough day. I got myself a little pampering, drank a dirty diet coke in a wine glass and tried out my new snakeskin Tieks. I felt so much better.

I had such plans for being productive today! Not to be. But by golly, I will bake a pie and eat it in front of the TV tonight! I love being a grown-up.

Follow me on instagram @natssentiments

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Happy Wednesday.

My baby is 10 months old this week!
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