
Monday, April 29, 2013

The Epic Question. Minivan or SUV?

It would seem that I'm in need of a new vehicle. I've been driving my sedan for 10 years now. It's pretty leather seats have been trashed with spilled juice cups and car seat indentions. I'm really fond of it. Unfortunately its not going to work for our family that is soon to become 5.

This is a shot of Collin's preschool. As you can see, there seems to be a "family car" trend. In fact. I'm pretty sure I'm the only mom with a small car at drop off.

8 years ago, before I was a mother, I thought I'd never, ever, be caught dead owning a minivan. However, my friends who drive minivans seem fully converted, so there must be something to it. In fact, I was convinced a Honda Odyssey was in my future....

But then Shane brought home a Suburban to try out one weekend and I remembered how fun an SUV can be.

I'd love your advice.

Mini-van or SUV???

I'd love specific models that you like (or don't like).  I'm ready to start test driving. 
I just need to know what to ask for :) 

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Sunday, April 28, 2013


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Nothing like a glorious Spring weekend. Hope you're enjoying yours.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Insta-Friday - #35

This week was all about comfort food.

(Shane is just better at roasting marshmallows than me.)

And just a warning....

Lock up your daughters! Collin Grey is on the prowl.

follow me on instagram @natssentiments

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Insta-(Monday) #34

These keep getting later and later in the week. And I really need to start using my "real" camera more often. It's just so much work. All that changing the white balance and uploading to my computer. Not to mention how big it is. I'm a camera phone junkie these days. 

I was SUPER bummed I had to miss the Snap conference this year due to Shane's travel schedule. I made myself a nice platter of blue cupcakes to console myself.

Actually, they were for a baby shower. But they did make me feel better. 

Shane is teaching Lydia to ride her new bike. He's really good at stuff like this.

I mostly hung out with Collin while he flew his kite. 

Ever wonder if my kids look alike?

We made freezer jam with no chunks. Just the way we like it.

In other news - 

1. Pulled out all the color in my wardrobe. At least my accessories still fit.
2. Got myself a Spring manicure.
3. Collin has been coming in to bed with us every single night lately. But I have a hard time kicking him out. He'll only be the baby for a few more months.
4. My kitchen was amazingly clean one afternoon. So we got frozen yogurt for lunch to avoid messing it up. Priorities people.
5. I did make my favorite salad for dinner. Grilled chicken over greens with vinaigrette, hummus, tomatoes, goat cheese and pita bread. So good.
6. And my cousin Lindsay made me the most darling baby gifts! Yellow and gray chevron wipe case!

In the process of making my own baby gift for my new little daughter. 
Now I just need to pick her name! 


Follow me on instagram @natssentiments


The winner of the $100 to Minted is Rachel T. Congrats! 
Email me within 48 hours and I will get you your prize. 

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

eShakti Review and $25 for everyone!

I've always thought that if I had all the money in the world, one the first things I would get would be a professional taylor. Right after a cook, housekeeper, personal trainer, masseur and home designer. But taylor would be right up there. I love the thought of my clothes being made just for me and my exact measurements. 

So you can guess I was pretty excited about eShakti, a clothing site where you can choose clothes to be made to your specific measurements and specifications! 

Pick your sleeve length, hem length, neckline and pockets. AND you enter in your exact measurements  and the clothes are made for you! WOW! Tall, petite, big problem! Ready to wear clothes are also available if you're in a hurry.

Different clothing items have different things you can adjust. The selection is so huge, you're sure to find something perfect. 

Have a wedding to attend? Try the Louisa dress. Comes in black too.

Maybe a Banded lace jacket is more your style.

You know I love this mustard tank.

A colorblock pleated skirt would be a perfect trendy staple to pair it with.

This Painterly Floral Dress is too cute for words!  

A while ago, eShakti asked me if I wanted to review a dress and of course I said yes!

I picked out the Paris dress

I asked for hidden pockets to be added, along with short sleeves and a bit extra on the hem. 

 But I am SOOO embarrassed. I ordered it when I was only a couple months pregnant, thinking I would have a bit until I started showing. Not so. When I got the dress is was so perfect....except I was busting out the top and the waist :( I can't wait to try it on again after getting back to pre-baby weight. 

I did snap a quick photo. But I could hardly breath. :)

Maybe I'll be ready to wear it next Easter?

Anyway, other than my clueless ordering, I LOVE eShakti. And guess what? 
Right now EVERYONE who's a new customer gets $25 to spend! 
Just head over to the site and register!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Insta (Saturday) #33 - The good parts of the week

Obviously the last couple weeks haven't been the best. But I'm just such a Positive Polly, I have to focus on all the wonderful things that have happened too! 

Okay, not really.
Mostly I'm OCD on posting things on time because I publish my blog as a scrapbook and if I fall behind, it gets all messed up.

Though we did have some nice things happen. 

In the midst of our stomach flu epidemic, Collin came to tell me he wanted to say a prayer to Heavenly Father to help his tummy feel better. Then just knelt down and said it. It was pretty sweet.

He was the first to get better.


Lydia also showed her spirituality:

Lydia - "how does Heavenly Father make our spirits?"

                                                          Me - "I'm not sure.

"Lydia - "I think He uses sparkle and suction cups."

She then breaks into hysterical laughter. :)

Spring has finally come to the Northwest.

Lots of playing outside. 

Panda pancakes.

New baby clothes!

Hawaiian Haystacks were a huge hit. (Before we all got sick of course).

Last weekend we stayed home and watched the LDS General Conference together. The kids didn't seem to notice the huge couch I was sitting on. They piled on Daddy and stayed there.

Collin discovered the world's longest hopscotch.

Lydia and BFF rocked the school 80's dance. 
(The DJ yelled out "Who ya gonna call?!" and none of the kids knew what he was talking about.)

(Look at our tree blossoms!)

And lastly:

Lydia came in with horrible bruises one morning. 
When I asked where they came from she explained:

"Oh, when I was in the shower I was making bum prints on the glass door and fell out. But don't tell me not to make bum prints anymore, cause I'm going to!"

And with that, enjoy your weekend. 

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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday Vent! The case of the bad titty job.

In front of our sweet Tennessee home. Before....


I'm having a bit of an anxiety attack this week. I don't suffer much from anxiety. Most things I can be pretty chill about. Except for a few things. Like being a landlord to a home across the USA. Nothing in the last year has caused me more stress than this little "money maker". 

Let me just give you the very Cliff Notes version.

A while back our renters decide to buy a home and did not need to rent our Tennessee home anymore. However, they wouldn't be able to finish out their lease. Not to worry, he had a friend who just moved in from Germany who needed a home for a few years. He's married with children and two small outside dogs. (Dogs aren't great, but just try to find a renter in Tennessee who doesn't have animals. Not possible.) Credentials checked out. All seems good.

Rent arrives on time. For about 6 months.

Then, nothing.

Come to find out, this married German man, let's call him Leon, had left his family in Germany and was living in our home with his local mistress. 

His local stripper mistress.

Apparently our home was her "dream house".

Anyone want to guess what happens when a European married man gets a mistress in the US? Yea, he goes back to his family. And leaves said stripper mistress in our home. 
Not able to afford the rent. 
Leon was unreachable. 

Ms. Stripper did try to pay a couple times. Paid us $1500 in twenties. Nasty.

Now why was Ms. Stripper not able to afford the rent?

Well, in her words "Leon got me a titty job for Christmas and they're leaking". (Say this with the strongest southern accent from a long term smoker and get whiney..... and you have her voice.)

Darling, I understand that! You can't work a pole if your titties are leaking! 
But sweetheart, you can't live in our home either. 

Shane and his friend Todd went over to check out the situation. Want to know how Ms. Stripper answered the door? In a pink t-shirt tied to show her belly button with tubes coming out the sides from the leaking boobs, filling into a colostomy bag attached to a pair of boy cut panties. 

I am so not kidding. And she was expecting his visit.

My only pic of Ms. Stripper

Well, Ms. Stripper tried her darndest to convince us to let her stay. And we did everything we could to help her out. But, when you promise $1000 and send $35, that's a problem. And she really didn't see why were so insistent that she pay. 

She even had a boyfriend move in to help with rent. And when no money came in, he called me to personally tell me he was an actor and was sure his big break was just around the corner. 

Oh. I feel so much better. Wow. You've been cast as an extra in an Indie film? 
That's like money in the bank.

Bonus, Ms. Stripper was crazy. You never knew when nut job stripper would be calling screaming her titties off. Once she called "WHAT do you want me to do?!?! Sell one of my guns to pay rent?!?"

Um, yea. That would actually be great.

After months of us paying two mortgages, enough was enough.

A couple weeks ago we finally evicted her. It was not pleasant. She was not a happy camper.

Only then did we discover thousands of dollars of damage to our beautiful little home. 

Those "outside" dogs, actually had their own bedroom in the house. 
And free reign of the rest of the home.

The no smoking rule was considered as optional as paying rent. 

Walls and carpets destroyed.

Oh, and they left most of their crap in the house.

Good news, after we dump crazy amounts of money back into the house, we will be able to sell it and not get our money back!

So. I'm stressing out. 

The day we found out about the damage, I cried in the shower, then made myself a steak sandwich. 
I felt much better. 

That adulterous jerk and his stripper suck.

Oh yea. And we all have the stomach flu now. 

How's your week? :)

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In better news, the winner of the Pink Blush Maternity Giveaway is Sarah. Congrats! 
Email me and I will get you your prize.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Girl Names! And a wee bit annoyed with my MIL.

Ah, naming a baby. With Lydia it was easy. We picked it out on our honeymoon, we just both had a feeling we would have a girl first. And I've always liked the name Collin.

This one is harder. We liked Claire, but a ton of friends and cousins have recently used it. Liked Olive, but same story. We have two names we like. Both very nice, classic names. But we aren't sure.
 And my mother in law vehemently hates one of them.
To quote, she said "Oh God, please reconsider. PLEASE don't call her.......!"
And then gave me a random alternate name to use that was hideous.

Dear Mother in laws all around the world. Don't say this kind of thing to your pregnant daughter in law who has chosen to share the sweet baby name she and your son adore.

Don't worry. I can almost guarantee my MIL has never even taken a look at this blog.
She won't know I'm venting.

My personal rules on naming babies:

No made up names.

No locations. (London, Brooklyn, etc. Doesn't work with our last name.)

No made up spellings.

If you don't read the "Worst of Rexburg Names" post, you are in luck, because 2012 was just posted this week! It's my favorite blog post of the year!

So, what should I name the baby? What would sound good when I say "These are my children, Lydia, Collin and my baby girl.........."


Pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant? Don't forget to enter to win $25 to Pink Blush Maternity!

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Friday, April 5, 2013

Insta-Friday #32 - Pink or Blue?????

What a lovely cake for a casual Thursday evening. 

Do you think it may be telling us something.....

Lydia is so nervous she can't even look.

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

Poor little Collin. He wanted a brother so.

But the rest of us are thrilled!

Collin's reaction to the news was a little sad. I started the video the wrong way, so the whole thing is off. At this moment I was so close to crying out... "I'll make you a brother too!". 

(He was fine after a few minutes and a piece of cake. Which is good. Cause I ain't making a brother.)

instagram @natssentiments

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life rearranged

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Planning a nursery!

I was a wee bit upset when the doctor couldn't tell me the gender of the baby last week. I may have broken into tears that I couldn't explain or control. Sometimes these hormones are just a whole ball of fun. My doctor actually thought maybe there was something going on at home I needed to discuss since my outburst was so out of no where. 

"No. Everything's fine. (snif) Except my husband works all the time (voice raising to a scary high pitch) and he couldn't even be in town to make it to my ultrasound!" (WAIL!!!!)

Poor doctor. She just handed me a tissue and reminded me we needed to take some blood.

Anyway, back to the fun parts of pregnancy. I'm trying to figure out a nursery, and I'm thinking of going yellow and gray. Shocker right? It's just such a nice gender neutral scheme. 

Do you think I could talk Shane into ripping up the new carpet and putting in hardwood? 
No? Well, you never know.

The white tree in on the wall of this nursery is my favorite. And I have a rocker a lot like this.

After seeing all the decals on Top Design Magazine
I started thinking maybe I could move beyond just paint.

Pretty sure I'm going to need to start looking into felting too. This mobile is adorable! 

I think I'm nesting. 

I can feel it taking over me.


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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hey! Art Plagiarism is not Cool!

Remember last year when I posted this project I did for my bedroom?

Well, I got an email this morning letting me know that this image was spotted on Etsy 

Um. Wait. That looks a little familiar. 

Whoa. NOT okay.

Look what's conveniently left out of my image.

Yep. She cropped out my watermark.

That's called PLAGIARISM. And that pesky little watermark is there for a reason. 

This isn't that shops first time with Art Plagiarism. Check out another offense here.

Seriously not cool. Etsy - there should be some repercussions for things like this.

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